TWO QUESTIONS: Adela Sanchez on Narcan Trainings

TWO QUESTIONS FOR Adela Sanchez on Narcan Training 1. What led you to bring Narcan training to MiraCosta? Narcan (naloxone) training in community colleges, especially when provided by a nurse, offers numerous benefits. As someone who grew up in this community being able to offer training for students, faculty, and staff is especially important to me. There are so many obstacles in healthcare so when there are opportunities for free programs and resources, I am immediately drawn to them. Empowering community members, especially in a college setting, fosters a sense of responsibility and community care. Trained individuals can act confidently in emergencies, contributing to a safer environment for everyone! I’ve seen too many accidents turn fatal so anything we can do to help is worth it. · Narcan equips us with the ability to respond swiftly to opioid overdoses. This can save lives in situation...