Domestic Violence (DV) and/or Interpersonal Violence (IPV)

By Van Ethan Levy, LMFT & LPCC Are you questioning if you or someone you know is experiencing Domestic Violence (DV) and/or Interpersonal Violence (IPV)? What is DV/IPV? DV is an acronym for Domestic Violence and IPV is an acronym for Interpersonal Violence. Who can be involved in a DV & IPV dynamic? DV & IPV is any dynamic that involves a power dynamic that is non-consensual of all parties involved. This could be between child and parent, friends, romantic/sexual relationships, professor and student, and/or any other dynamic that involves 2 or more individuals. How do I know if I am involved in and/or someone else is involved in DV/IPV dynamic? There are many different signs of DV/IPV and just because it is not listed here it doesn’t mean that it is not DV/IPV. Here are a few examples: When a person is told what they can and cannot share/talk about that directly involves them. When a person is having to share every detail of the person’s day, life, who the person is texti...