Wondering if Your Drinking is Too Much?

By Abby Burd, LCSW, full time Mental Health Counselor Many adults find alcohol use fun or relaxing. But how much of a good thing is too much? How do you know when something that might work for your friends isn't working for you? Do you know what red flags indicate you could be having a problem? Perhaps you have wondered about some of these questions but have hesitated to explore because you aren't really ready to make a change. Have you ever thought, "If I even bring up the subject, is everyone going to worry I have a problem?" If that's the case, we have something you might like! MiraCosta College Health Services sponsors anonymous, online screenings. Click here to access all of our mental health screenings and select "worried about my drinking habits - alcohol use screen." Then answer a few questions. We have no way to identify it is you. Only you will see your results. Hopefully it will give you some useful information! Whether or not your results ...