Post Quarantine Re-Entry Anxiety

By Carolina Moxley, AMFT Are you experiencing concerns or mixed feelings about reintegration post quarantine? YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Our counselors will be hosting a safe space for students to explore feelings and challenges around re-integrating and reconnecting socially post pandemic on Wednesday, July 14, 3pm-4pm. Email for Zoom link and/or check out some of Carolina's great advice here: Start Slow If you feel pressured to resume the busy schedule or level of productivity that you had pre-pandemic, realize that it will take time for your nervous system to adjust to a faster pace of life. Even when we desire to socialize or work more, it's normal for us to feel exhausted by any drastic increase in activity and environmental stimuli. When possible, give yourself permission to ease back into social engagement little by little. This may mean having shorter or fewer outings if you're feeling overwhelmed. It may mean socializing with only 1 or 2 friends a...